Quality Analysis

Semen Quality Assessment

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MPTI provides detailed, extensive and scientifically driven laboratory testing for fresh, frozen, or cooled semen samples.

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Information drives value. Knowing your male's full fertility potential increases pregnancies and maximizes your bottom line.

How It Works
You or your stud send us straws, we analyze the samples and send a complete report.

Sperm concentration, motility, morphology, DNA integrity, acrosome intactness, mitochondrial function, extender osmolality, extender pH, bacteriospermia, antioxidant potential and MORE!

MPTI’s team of employees is highly technical (2 PhD, 2 DVM, 6 M.S.). We have 60 years of expertise in biochemistry, microbiology, andrology, embryology and plant biology.
MPTI's Quality Control team is complete separate from the research team, ensuring data we generate is not biased.
Environmental Analysis

You Can't Change What You Don't Know

From the countertop to the barn, cleanliness makes a big difference in animal health and fertility outcomes. MPTI offers environmental sampling kits to help facilities identify locations with high risk of contamination. Using the same high standards of differential plating, PCR and species identification, MPTI can help clients evaluate cleaning protocols and improve hygiene throughout an entire process.

How it works:

1. We send the kit
2. You clean, then swab key locations
3. Mail the swabs back
We grow bacteria on the swabs
5. We identify type of contaminant(s)
YOU can control your cleaning protocols to reduce contamination in key areas!

Media Quality Assessment

A Good Beginning Makes the Difference

Many producers mix their own media in-house: buffers, extenders, antibiotics and more. Even small changes in purity, pH or osmolality of water or extenders, bacterial growth, and ratio of cryoprotectants in your media can have drastic effects on semen quality and animal health. MPTI can help support your process by analyzing the quality of water and media samples made at your facility to troubleshoot any production issues.

When you get a good start, your best will only get better.